hey bloggers. This is Sachel's quiz number 1! The first blogger to answer all questions correctly will have a post written about them. The questions are EASY, simple!!! If you don't know them, then shame on you. To answer the questions you leave us a comment. For example if the question was 1.)What color is grass?
You would leave us a comment saying 1-green, and so on and so on. 1-green, 2-birds, etc. We will let you know if you are the winner by the post so go on Sachel to check. Alright, hopefully your hands are ready to type. Here is the quiz:
1.)What two names is Sachel combined?
2.)Who is player 9?
3.)Who is singstar98?
4.)Name one main thing Sachel does for a hobby?(writing posts is not one)
5.)What is the name of Sachel's cd?
6.)What is the first song we ever worked on?
7.)What is Sachel's name backwards?
8.)Are we twins or cousins?
9.)How much did 1 cd with a name cost?
10.)Are you a Sachel follower?(there is a correct answer. Wake up, if you're not a follower become one!)
THANKS FOR TAKING THE QUIZ!!!!! me(player9) or singstar98 cannot take it.