Welcome to Sachel's Blog!

Q. What is Sachel?
A. A mixture of the names Sarah and Rachel.
Q. Are you guys twins or cousins?
A. No. Just bffls.
Q. Are you guys awesome?
A. YES!!

Sarah's page

This is Sarah's page, where she'll talk about her life, and everything on her blog.

Hi! Here's some info about me!
I married pie, love Hello Kitty, LOVE performing, and play the violin.
My favorite role in a show was Dorothy in The Wizard Of Oz with 162 lines!
If u want 2 send me an email,  email me @:

Here's some gossip on me and pie:
Pie and I were dating, then we got married, then we got a divorce. Then, all my friends at the wedding and I ate him. Then,  was dating cupcakes. But, I realized that cupcakes' sprinkles were too sweet. He was always too nice. I wanted pie back. So, I started dating Pie's brother, and found out my friend, Lily was also dating him. I was very mad at him, so I stole Lily's other boyfriend, Pie's cousin. Lily was left with no one, and now I have a VERY awesome boyfriend. 
I'll update this more later with more gossip on me and Pie!!!!! Also, look on my blog for more!!!! :)

My blog: singstar98likespie.blogspot.com!!!!!!! Check it OUT!!!!!!!!!!!


I love singing, dancing, and acting!!!! I also do gymnastics and art for FUN! What do you do for FUN? Email me @ my email above!!!

I love to say: TEHE!!!!!! I made a post about that on my blog if anyone wants 2 c!

My favorite number is 98, and my favorite letter is k, even though I'm in denial about it. :)

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