Welcome to Sachel's Blog!

Q. What is Sachel?
A. A mixture of the names Sarah and Rachel.
Q. Are you guys twins or cousins?
A. No. Just bffls.
Q. Are you guys awesome?
A. YES!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

15 reasons why Sachel works differently and better than other friendships

1. We do not ditch each other for anyone, because we will always be each other's first choice.
2. We tell each other everything. Some friends say that, but I assure you there is still something they are hiding from each other. Not us.
3. We laugh at each other and don't take it seriously.
4. We accept helpful suggestions on our friendship and don't get mad about them.
5. We have a real handshake...that we actually remember.
6. We don't tell each others' secrets to other people...we ACTUALLY keep them.
7. We sing together and aren't embarassed to do it.
8. We love to laugh together...especially about our oblivious friends.
9. We listen to each other's problems and come up with helpful suggestions.
10. We enjoy each other's company all the time...we never get bored of spending time together.
11. We have normal conversations with each others parents and siblings....even cousins because we have spent so much time together!
12. We have arguments...then laugh at them after.
13. We have so many inside jokes that "inside joke" is one of our inside jokes.
14. We share our stuff and our information that we have.
15. We actually "get" our friends and what things are like in this world unlike anyone else!