Welcome to Sachel's Blog!

Q. What is Sachel?
A. A mixture of the names Sarah and Rachel.
Q. Are you guys twins or cousins?
A. No. Just bffls.
Q. Are you guys awesome?
A. YES!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hi. Its Sarah and Rachel at Sarah's house! We're with our friend Julia who I wrote about on my braces page, so check it out! She's doing homework, and Rachel is yelling at me cuz she wants 2 write...so...here she is folks! Put ur hands together for ROCGEL! I mean.....RACHEL!

Hi its Rachel. I'm writing this 4 Rachel but I swear she's sitting right here. Rachel says "hi its Rachel" is a stupid thing to say. She just said, "Yes it is." She's sooo goofy. She said, "Wassup Bloggas!?!"

So...gotta go cuz Rachel needs 2 take a nap. Bye!

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