Welcome to Sachel's Blog!

Q. What is Sachel?
A. A mixture of the names Sarah and Rachel.
Q. Are you guys twins or cousins?
A. No. Just bffls.
Q. Are you guys awesome?
A. YES!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Heyy Bloggers. I'm here to inform you on something that you probably don't know about Singstar98 and I. To start, I'll begin with some information you probably have figured out about the two of us. We both love to sing!!! But, the part that you may not know is that we write songs together, and have big plans for our selling cds and our other products that we know we will sell in the near and late future. Also if you want awesome tips about my(player 9) songwriting, you can check out my blog:Player9enjoysfood.blogspot.com, I say a whole lot about the skill/activity of songwriting. Singstar98 and I have been practicing a song called "wonders." Wonders is our first song that we creatively came up with. We even have dance moves and are looking for backup dancers! "Wonders" is going to be in the W SECTION ON OUR AZ CD! You ask, "What's the AZ cd???" Well to answer your question bloggers, it's our title for our first ever CD. We have songs from letters A-Z. Wonders obviously fit under the W section. Along with wonders, in the W section, there will be songs called:Why and Waiting. See how this alphabetized CD works? Three songs fo each letter, that's a lot!!!!! I know that you're curious, so soon I will write the lyrics for our first song ever, Wonders, right on the Sachel Blog. Singstar98 will write a post about the prices and special offerings of the CDs. (wink wink Singstar98?) Ok so be ready for more posts to read. Write you soon, Player 9*

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