Welcome to Sachel's Blog!

Q. What is Sachel?
A. A mixture of the names Sarah and Rachel.
Q. Are you guys twins or cousins?
A. No. Just bffls.
Q. Are you guys awesome?
A. YES!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sachel Prices

Heres a list of EVERYTHING Sachel sells, (That's gonna be A LOT), so read, and if you want to order anything online, tell us in a comment. If you want to tell us personally, email me, (my email can be found on my page) or ask us in person. Here they are:

* Small fashion square………….$0.02

* Large fashion square……….....$0.05

* Private show tickets………….$0.03 per person

* 1 CD………………………..$2.50

* 1 CD with name……………..$4.00

* 2 CDs with names………….. $7.50

* Full pack………………….. $30.00

* Full pack with names……….$40.00

* 3 CDs w/ friendship bracelet...$7.00

* Full pack with coupon……....$21.00

* Demo CD for 1 song………..$0.75

* 1 CD with all names……….$1.50 per name

* 1 coupon card with 5 uses…..$10.00

* 1 CD w/ coupon…………...$1.75

* Friendship bracelet………...$1.00

* Private lessons……………$1.00 per 15 minutes

* Improv show……………..$0.50 per person

* What A World play……....$15.00

* 1 cup of lemonade………...$0.25

* Manicure………………..$5.00

* Manicure with design……$5.50

* Mani-pedi………………$8.00

* Pedicure………………...$5.25

* Pedicure with design……..$5.75

* Back massage…………....$15.00

* Hands/feet massage……...$10.00

* Full massage…………….$20.00

* Lyrics to song…………...$1.00 per song

* Home-made headband……$1.00

* Home-made purse………..$1.50

* Recycled purse…………$0.50


  1. rachel told me to make this post. hope ya like it!!!

  2. make sure to write that we tye die all articles of clothing. put in autographs, instrumental lessons, vocal lessons, dance lessons, and "Photo shoot pics"

  3. i already said the things about private lessons, and the others u just added by commenting.

  4. no
    btw, this is sarah on julias account.
