Welcome to Sachel's Blog!

Q. What is Sachel?
A. A mixture of the names Sarah and Rachel.
Q. Are you guys twins or cousins?
A. No. Just bffls.
Q. Are you guys awesome?
A. YES!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Player 9-thatz me!

Hola Bloggers! It's my first time EVER writing a post on the Sachel Official Blog website. I'm really ecstatic to start writing posts here! I'm Player 9! You may know me from my own independant blog, "Player 9," which is extremely awesome and just in case you want to stop by, you can type in Player9enjoysfood.blogspot.com, and read about thrilling stories, exciting updates, and a whole lot more. In case you don't like reading(gasp), and decided to skip over some of the info Singstar provided, just so you know we are actually besties! We've been using the name "Sachel" two define the two of us. We've been working on this idea FOREVER now, and since we both have our own blogs, why not start a combined blog? Some quick facts about me: I <3(love) to sing, Irish dance, play soccer, draw, fashion design, act, and believe me, there is more. My prediction: One day I'll be FAMOUS (I know what you're thinking...yeah right like that's going to happen) but it is going to happen. Whenever somebody irritates me or is mean and insults me, I just mutter to myself or to singstar, "When I'm Famous they'll be sorry." Its TRADEMARK, sorry you can't use. So remember me, and my blogs!!!! Stay tuned in for more!

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