Welcome to Sachel's Blog!

Q. What is Sachel?
A. A mixture of the names Sarah and Rachel.
Q. Are you guys twins or cousins?
A. No. Just bffls.
Q. Are you guys awesome?
A. YES!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

PLAYA 9 and singsta-9-8 leave for camp soon

Yo yo yo its Singsta-9-8!
I'm postin' this post before its 2 l8,
2 tell ya-all about the story,
cause who ya want to tell it-her-or-me?
so here's the setting,
its l8 july.
we're getting home from camp,-me-o-o-my!
so, then we'll post, but until then
we'll be gone s-wim-mim-mim-in'!
We'll post before-hand, but not so much,
'cause we'll be busy in a big rush!
We'll be packing, excitedly,
thanks for listenin' to our story,
but its true, so don't be alarmed,
none of us will ever be harmed,
but we can't p-post yo,
tho that's our duty,
So don't just get a little moody,
it's very sad,
I'm poss-i-tive,
see ya in august after c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-camp!
break it down, now!
boom, boom sh! boom boom sh!
We leave in a few weeks
so all of ya big geeks
get a life
dont look on our blog 'till

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